Santa Margarita Gun Club

Trijicon Donated Optics

Letter from the SMGC Long Range Director to Trijicon, Inc.:

Thank you for Trijicon’s generous donation in support of our Santa Margarita Gun Club shooting activities. During these activities we host, at no cost, the Wounded Warriors and Marines on MCB Camp Pendleton and provide instruction, rifles and ammo for our Mid-Range and Across the Course events. As coordinator of this activity I want to acknowledge your contribution to these efforts.

Specifically, thank you for the three Trijicon ACOGs. I will be sighting them in and will probably have some Marines firing them at our match on Sunday and certainly at our upcoming Mid-Range and XTC matches at the end of July.

As we get pictures and match reports generated, I will send you a link and post to the website. If there is a marketing coordinator to send the reports to directly please let me know.

Many thanks,

Mike Jones

Long Range Director, SMGC

Special thanks from the SMGC to Trijicon, Inc. for the generous donation in support of the efforts of the SMGC.

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